Griggs - Spring 2006
Results - Griggs Reservoir
June 16, 2006
Thursday June 16th we tried something a little different with an evening score meet at Griggs Reservoir. The score format was used so that we had a definite time for everyone to be done and ensure that we were picked up before dark. I made the bike time limit 30 minutes so that the scores would be similar to those on foot.
The weather was very nice although a little hot early in the afternoon when I was setting points. Tops on the score was Yoshi Shimizu with all the points finishing a little over 1.5 minutes ahead of Jason Schaefer also with all the points. Chiori also cleaned the course about 1.5 minutes behind Jason.
Rather than list any penalties I've just indicated the number of controls each person found. Some of the times may be off because of the many new faces this time.
Thanks to Karen Rogers, Chiori, Yoshi and Kenta Shimizu and Sergei Preobrazhensky for picking up controls.