Great Seal State Park - Spring 2006

Results - Great Seal State Park

May 13, 2006

Although it was rainy departing Columbus, the weather at Great Seal State Park was nice through most of the day, with just a few sprinkles in the early afternoon.

Shin Shimizu designed some nice courses and although we didn't have a large turn out all the courses were used. It appeared that everyone had an enjoyable day even though there were problems with at least one point on the green and red courses. Of the competitors on those course I think only Chiori had a clean run.

Thanks to Shin for designing the courses and to Bob Huebner, Chiori and Shin Shimizu for setting the controls. Thanks also to Shin for picking up most of the controls and working registration. Also helping pick up controls were Bob Huebner and Karen Rogers.

White Course

Olga Ponomareva & Tanya Sirotin

Sammy & George Gagle & Morgan Grodesky



Yellow Course

Olga Ponomareva & Tanya Sirotin

Cheryl Wenner



Orange Course

Josh & Katie

Alexander Preobrazhensky



Red Course

Mark Swies
