Delaware State Park - Autumn 2010
Delaware State Park
October 24, 2010
We had a nice day for orienteering, a little cool and the rain held off. Thanks to Alexander for designing and setting the courses. Also thanks to Heather and Earl for helping with registration and instruction. Chiori, Shin, Earl and Heather also helped pick up controls and deserve thanks for that.
White Course - 8 controls 2.7KM
Leah, Kim, Morgan 63:00
Melissa, Ariana 73:15
Jarid, Jack 79:00
Jonathan, Joseph, Juan, Jose 80:00
Ellie, Morgan 84:00
Nick 86:00
Allen, Carlo 97:00
Rachael, Hannah 117:30
Orange Course - 9 controls 4.1KM
Mark Swies 70:00
Jim, Stacey 122:30
Matt Colon 138:30
Green Course - 12 controls 6.1KM
Chiori Shimizu 64:10
Shin Shimizu 68:04
Eugene Granovskiy 109:02
Tim Bruno 139:40